Friday, January 30, 2009

No One

no one really saw the little girl
sitting quietly by herself

no one asked where her parents were
or asked why she was alone at night

no one noticed she had no shoes
and her clothes were dirty and ripped

no one asked if she was lost
or needed help

no one gave her a blanket
or something to eat

people went by to busy to notice
to rushed to care
over and over people walked by
talking on cell phones
pulling their kids along

more and more she was glanced at
maybe they wondered a little as to why she was there
but then they forgot

that night a storm came to the little town
rain, snow, and even some hail
safe in the warmth of their homes

no one remembered the sad little girl
the next morning all over the news
the story of a missing little girl
found dead and alone
seeking people with any news

shocked this had happened
who was to blame

everyone looked at everyone else
pointing fingers, denying blame

everyone hoped someone else would come
someone else would see
not their problem were the remarks
but no one was there

The Simple Truth

you hurt me because i was different
i wasnt yours and neither was my sister
you picked on me and made me cry
you hit me and pushed me down
you yelled at me and called me names
you said you hated me and wished me dead
you say you love me and then you lie
you say you dont need me and tell me to go
you said i was nothing and no one would want me
you took what wasnt yours and didnt give it back
i believed everything you said
everything is my fault
you were right werent you
you made me believe im not good enough
who was right who did i trust more
you lost my trust years ago
when i found out you had lied
but the damage was still done
its over
you won

Dear God

Dear God
please protect me today
please tell my mommy ill be good today
please protect my brother and sister too
please make the pain go away

Dear God
are you still there
have you forgotten me
im sorry
i will try not to ask so much
for you must be a very busy person

Dear God
im still waiting for you
im bigger now
i hope you can hear me
will you help me today
it is ok i can wait
i will ask again tomorrow

Dear God
i try to be very good
i try to forgive
i try not to hate
can you help me now
it is ok i know you will help when you can

Dear God
i dont want to bother you
but have you forgotten me
its scary here
can i go to you
are you still there

Dear God
you lost me didnt you
you left me alone
was i to small
not important enough
its ok God
im fine by myself

Dear God
you must have forgotten me
its ok that happens a lot
i wont bother you
you cant help me anymore
its much to late for that

Dear God
i cant trust you
im much bigger now
you didnt help
when i needed you the most
you left me alone

What I Want

mommy i want to be a writer
will you help me spell the big words

mommy i want to be a dancer
will you teach me to stretch

mommy i want to be a doctor
will you show me how to make a difference

mommy i want to travel
will you let me learn to drive

mommy are you there
or did you leave again

mommy can you hear me
or are you not listening

mommy do you want to know
what i want the most

mommy please listen

mommy this is important

mommy i want to be your daughter
will you love me...

Unspoken Words

i went to you for help an understanding
you listened politely and wished me well
i was the center of attention for a little while
no one else was there
just you and me and all the empty chairs
you let me speak my heart and watched me quietly
giving me the space to say what i needed
you didnt interrupt and say you didnt care
but now someone else is here
you know them a little better than me
i became the watcher and listener
the conversation left me and started new
you forgot you were talking to me
i faded into the background
not able to understand why you didnt hear me
maybe i didnt talk loud enough
maybe i didnt demand your attention
maybe i didnt cry and yell and scream
maybe i wanted you to include me just a little
maybe i wanted you to remember i was there
maybe i wanted a hug and a kiss
maybe i wanted you to say you needed me
maybe i needed to here you say i love you
but im still there just waiting patiently to be seen
now there are many more people here
can you even see me anymore
would you notice if i was to leave
would you remember you once cared
i start to walk away silently
the tears roll down my face
i wanted to say thank you
for talking to me and letting me know you cared
but i didnt i dont want to interrupt
a little sad and a little hurt i still say nothing
i leave the room just for the day
i cant turn my back on you
as i felt you did to me
i will return when you have more time for me
please dont forget me
i will still be here
waiting for when you will come back
and remember that you need me

The Day You Left Me

i watched you walk away
away from the love we shared

i watched you break my heart in two
and left me to pick up the pieces

i watched you close the door quietly
and time stood still for that little bit

i watched you forget everything you said
about never leaving me alone

i watched you go and knew it would be for the best
not understanding why the tears fell

i listened to you say
i love you for the last time

i saw you close your eyes
and hold back the tears

i knew in your heart you were hurting too
brave enough to let me go

i will remember all the late night chats
all the days we sent laughing and having fun

i will remember when you cryed with me
and brightened my days

i will remember all the times you brought me candy
and left little notes to make me smile

i will remember forever
all the good times

i will remember that i had you in my life
for as long as it was possible

i will hope for your safety
for you happiness

i will know you became my friend first
against the odds against what everyone said

i will know that if i need you
you will come to help as much as you can

i will let you go because you asked
because you came and told me

i will let you go because no matter what
your happiness means the world to me

i will let you go because
i love you