Friday, January 30, 2009

No One

no one really saw the little girl
sitting quietly by herself

no one asked where her parents were
or asked why she was alone at night

no one noticed she had no shoes
and her clothes were dirty and ripped

no one asked if she was lost
or needed help

no one gave her a blanket
or something to eat

people went by to busy to notice
to rushed to care
over and over people walked by
talking on cell phones
pulling their kids along

more and more she was glanced at
maybe they wondered a little as to why she was there
but then they forgot

that night a storm came to the little town
rain, snow, and even some hail
safe in the warmth of their homes

no one remembered the sad little girl
the next morning all over the news
the story of a missing little girl
found dead and alone
seeking people with any news

shocked this had happened
who was to blame

everyone looked at everyone else
pointing fingers, denying blame

everyone hoped someone else would come
someone else would see
not their problem were the remarks
but no one was there